I’m absolutely delighted to have you join me on a quest that unravels the mysteries of our past. As we journey together through the corridors of time, let me share a bit about myself.

Two years ago, I embarked on a journey – a journey fueled by my passion for stories that resonate across time. Starting this blog was like opening a door to a world where my love for writing and my fascination with the past could intertwine. And now, as I look back, I’m humbled to see that it has blossomed into something more; a warm community of kindred spirits, of readers and writers alike.

Imagine being in a room where the whispers of history and the echoes of heroes blend seamlessly. That’s where I find myself when I dive into the stories of Mahabharata, Ramayana, and other lesser-known narratives from Ancient India.

Beyond the tales and myths that fill these pages, I’m a student and a writer studying Digital Media and Marketing at Symbiosis. I am someone who finds solace in the old-school charm of words and stories. Someone who thrives in the spaces between conversations, where stories unfold. With every stranger who passes by, with every conversation and person I meet, and with every emotion I feel, I’m crafting stories, building worlds, and breathing life into the mundane. For me, EVERYTHING IS A STORY.