(Disclaimer- this is not me writing.  The concept is really good but 13/14-year-old Riya’s writing and expressing skills are not so good.)

Hey! I was really busy today so couldn’t write a story. But to be consistent with my posts, I found this story in my drafts. I had picked up a random writing prompt- What if the titanic reappears? and wrote this one around it. My very very sincere apologies if this one is a disappointment, which it is to me, because I wrote this years ago, and my writing has changed a lot since then. I mean ‘a lot’. I hope you enjoy reading and understand. I did sit to write one this morning but couldn’t complete it because I had to travel and had a lot on my schedule, so with all the time I had, I edited this one. You have all the other stories of mine to read. This post is somewhat me embracing my really bad writing and expressing skills on the journey because it takes a lot of courage to post your bad works. I never wanted to post this but here I go.)


” Mom! dad!! Switch on the TV! You have to see this!!! It is unbelievable!” tears rolled down Maya’s eyes as she rushed down the stairs.

“What’s it Maya! and why are you crying, love?” Maya’s father grabbed on the remote and turned the news channel on while her mother grabbed her tight and embraced her.

“A miracle has occurred on the west coast of England this afternoon. The Titanic has suddenly reappeared and the passengers are all alive on board and none of them have aged even a day. Oh yes, you heard it right, the unsinkable ship has reappeared and the passengers are alive. The government has sealed the area for now and no contact is permitted with the passengers as they would be quarantined for the next 7 days and the case would be investigated. “The government officials will not be tolerating crowd near the scene, and any sort of contact with the passengers until the interrogation is forbidden.” states the mayor.

The people around the globe are awestruck with the phenomenon and scientists all over the world are speechless. Was the ship really unsinkable? Few believe that this would be a breakthrough for humankind as we would now have the means to time travel and other mysteries in the universe would unraveled while others believe that the story has been made up. The time will tell us the truth, till then stay tuned, I am Robert Silas and you are watching the…..”

Lily could no longer control her tears. If this was true then it would mean her father is alive. Her heart ached for the last goodbye she never said. For the last time, she saw her father, not knowing that it was the last time he would smile at her. She was young then, and the only memory she had of him was them walking near the river. 

She could never forget the day when her father died. The moment the ship that was unsinkable took down her father into the sea was sealed in her mind. She lost her mother a week later. The memories flashed back. Haunting her soul. 
 Ron grabbed his wife and felt the pain and gratitude she was feeling. Maya always heard about the stories of her grandfather, her dead hero.The family cried their heart out. Lily couldn’t believe the story. She was shivering. She would have died for a moment like this. The moment when she would meet him. Cry in his arms and walk around the river once more. Only now she will no longer be young. The moment when her father will meet Ron and Maya. The moment when he will be home. Though none of them believed the story, but their hearts craved for it to be true.

Just as these magical thoughts were disturbing her, the doorbell rang. Maya wiped her tears and ran over to the door. The sight she witnessed died up her vocals.


” grandpa!” she whispered.



CONCEPT- What if the titanic reappears with all the passengers alive. Though the government has sealed the area, somehow Lily’s father escapes and hides with him something that could change their lives forever. The mystery lies in how did the ship reappear, how and why did Lily’s father escape. What was it that he had?)



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