“I do not accept peace” stated Duryodhan, rising from his throne.

” Either you abandon your pride, or the world would witness the greatest war. And this would be the end of the Kuru Vansh, Duryodhan,” replied Vasudev.

“I am no coward to fear death. I do not fear the Pandavas. I will fight for what belongs to me. Vasudev, the war is inevitable.”

“Maharaja Dhritarashtra! The power to end this lies with you. Prevent the destruction of your children and of the world. Being the messenger of peace from the Pandavas, I am here to restore peace. To avoid the deaths of millions. To avoid the end of your children” said Krishna turning towards the blind king.

“Duryodhan, accept what Vasudev proposes. Return Indraprastha to the Pandavas. Let the war end, and let peace be restored” commanded the blind king to his son.

“Father, the throne belongs to me. I deserve the rule of the Kingdom and by no means I would compromise. Even if it means fighting a war. Dharma doesn’t mean to sacrifice what belongs to me. Vasudev, with respect, we deny peace.” stated Duryodhan coldly. He turned, glanced at Shakuni who nodded back with an evil smile. 

“The Pandavas spent 14 years in exile, and now they deserve their throne back. Duryodhan, I warn you,” stated Vasudev stepping ahead.

“Vasudev! I deny it! Indraprasth is mine. It always belonged to me” 

“It never belonged to you!!” erupted Vasudev.

“Vasudev, the throne did belong to my son” pleaded Dhritarashtra, rising from his throne. Krishna turned to the blind king and with a deep breath said “Maharaj Dhritarashtra, the throne always belonged to Yudhisthir! He is older than Duryodhan and being the son of Pandu, he must inherit the throne!”

“My father was the true heir of the throne Vasudev. He was elder to Pandu and the Pandavas aren’t even the children of Pandu. Mata Kunti attained them from the gods. What rights do they possess? ” replied Duryodhan with anger erupting.

“The truth is Pandu was the king of Hastinapur. And Yudhisthir being the elder brother must inherit the throne. He is the harbinger of Dharma.” replied Vasudev calmly.

Duryodhan rolled his eyes and turned to sit back on his throne, refusing to return Indraprastha to his brothers. Vasudev stepped ahead and raised his hand and said “5 villages. Pandavas would give up all their claims to the throne of Indraprastha and Hastinapur. All I ask for is 5 villages for them to rule. Just 5 villages Maharaja.”

“I won’t give them even a needlepoint of land Vasudev! Here you ask for 5 villages and in future, they will attack us and claim the throne.”

“I promise they won’t pose any threat to you and to Hastinapur” replied Vasudev, holding back his anger.

“Duryodhan, you must agree upon this. They are your brothers. Let peace be restored son” suggested Bhishma Pitahmah and Guru Drona. Dhritarashtra, the blind king rose from his throne and nodded. “Accept peace son. War will destroy each one of us and will lead to the destruction of Hastinapur” said Dhritarashtra.



Duryodhan opened his eyes. He was sweating profusely. He grabbed the jar of water from beside his bed. His mind would not stop repeating the memories of the day. These memories were haunting him. He poured some water into the glass and sipped. Gently rising from his bed, he moved the curtains and saw the darkness engulfing the sky. It was cloudy, the moon hidden behind these dark clouds. The cold air caressed his skin. 

“Is Vasudev an avatar of Vishnu or was it an illusion my mind played?” whispered Duryodhan to himself. After he had ordered the guards to arrest Vasudev in the Sabha, he witnessed the most divine touch. He felt that the time froze, and Vasudev rose from the chains that binded him. A divine yellow light emitted from him, his dark skin radiating supernatural energy. A hundred- thousand-headed snake coiled behind him, each head calm and composed with a crown. Vasudev held a conch, his Sudarshan chakra, Gada, a sword, and a bow in his hands. He represented an infinite universe, without a beginning or an end. This vishvarupa of Vasudev mesmerized Duryodhan, who folded his hands in respect to the divine god.

 Duryodhan opened his teary eyes, he knew it was an illusion, that God did not exist and if it did, Vasudev is not one. “It was an illusion” he repeated to his mind. 

“I have never learned to give up on what belongs to me. I will fight for it. For me, Dharma is fighting for yourself and for everything that belongs to you. The war is inevitable.”

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